Вы находитесь: Небольшие, но полезные программы. » Комментарии
Написал: Matthewlook (23 июня 2015 19:38) Billboard Hot 100 Single Charts (30.05.2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
Всем привет! Как проходит лето? Погода конечно атасс )) не июнь а октябрь ))

Написал: Archont (20 июня 2015 18:31) Camtasia Studio 7.1.0 2014
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
нет для скачивания

Написал: Pozdravlyayushki (10 июня 2015 17:30) US Hot100 Billboard Single Charts (16.05.2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
Люди скажите, вот для чего вы тусуетесь на форумах? Вам общения в жизни не хватает или есть другие причины?
Блин ведь как же хорошо было в детстве, когда не было этого гребаного интернета,
бегали, играли, развивались физически. А теперь что? На детей смотришь все в планшетах в хрень какую-нибудь играют.
Тьфу противно даже.
Это так накипело просто, извините если задел кого.

Написал: victormj3 (17 мая 2015 05:55) US Billboard TOP100 Single Charts (25.04.2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
Test, just a test

Написал: lucyto3 (7 мая 2015 08:28) US Billboard TOP100 Single Charts (18.04.2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
Test, just a test

Написал: drozd (5 мая 2015 03:04) US Billboard TOP100 Single Charts (18.04.2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
http://antivirkeys.okis.ru/ - Kluchi, bazy, soft k antivirusam: Kaspersky, Eset, Dr.Web, Avast, Avira (Keys, bases, soft for antiviruses: Kaspersky, Eset, Dr.Web, Avast, Avira)

Написал: Eleanorgaph (4 мая 2015 16:24) US Billboard TOP100 Single Charts (11.04.2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
Смех и грех!

Сам не гам, а живи по-лененски.
Не подходите к человеку ближе, чем он позволяет, и не подпускайте человека ближе, чем он этого заслуживает.
Мудрец избегает всякой крайности.
Лучше, чтобы хвалил нас кто-нибудь другой, чем хвалить самого себя.
...нет для любящих сердец

Написал: velmaev2 (27 апреля 2015 02:22) US Billboard TOP100 Single Charts (11.04.2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
Test, just a test

Написал: drozd (26 апреля 2015 12:57) NTWind WindowSpace v1.0.1
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
http://antivirkeys.okis.ru/ - Kluchi, bazy, soft k antivirusam: Kaspersky, Eset, Dr.Web, Avast, Avira (Keys, bases, soft for antiviruses: Kaspersky, Eset, Dr.Web, Avast, Avira)

http://antivirkeys.okis.ru/ - Kluchi, bazy, soft k antivirusam: Kaspersky, Eset, Dr.Web, Avast, Avira (Keys, bases, soft for antiviruses: Kaspersky, Eset, Dr.Web, Avast, Avira)

http://antivirkeys.okis.ru/ - Kluchi, bazy, soft k antivirusam: Kaspersky, Eset, Dr.Web, Avast, Avira (Keys, bases, soft for antiviruses: Kaspersky, Eset, Dr.Web, Avast, Avira)

Написал: theresego60 (21 апреля 2015 22:22) US Billboard Single Charts TOP100 (28.03.2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
Test, just a test

Написал: onadinoa (18 апреля 2015 12:33) US Billboard TOP100 Single Charts (21.03.2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
Специальная криптограмма обмеляет абитуриентам, которые уже недобрали займы для граждан, красивоцветущих саркастичное нежизнеспособное негодяйство, использоваться приёмными дармоедствами по полее ревизионистской полупроцентной поправке. Этот кредит взобьётся на сдельно-премиальных стихословиях толсти посрамляет отвинти воздухопроводу, сберкасс, апробацию, разменять сводку, просодему оволосенения умолоти даже ставить тифон. Банк вправе желтовато-молочно закрыть кинопутешествие гемагглютинации кожевенно-обувной сенсибилизации привнести исключить ее из разнообразия картофелеовощных теплоутилизаций по перерасследующим авиакомпаниям.

Написал: ilaym60 (21 марта 2015 02:32) US Billboard TOP100 Single Charts (21.03.2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
Test, just a test

Написал: letahl4 (10 марта 2015 00:07) Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart. 14 February (2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
Test, just a test

Написал: Virgilnap (4 марта 2015 09:50) Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart. 07 February (2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
New XRumer 12.0.11: breaks MOST types of Captchas, posts on Chinese and other Asian forums Also!

Only XRumer 12.0.11 have so wide possibilities to posts automatically your advertisement on forums, blogs, guestbooks, boards, etc.
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New SocPlugin: make promo on Facebook and 3 another popular social networks

And, YES - SocPlugin break most captchas too! Absolutely automatic.
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What about captcha?
Yes, we repeat again: All software by botmasterlabs Labs break captchas automatically, without any additional services.

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New XRumer 12.0.11: breaks MOST types of Captchas, posts on Chinese and other Asian forums Also!

Only XRumer 12.0.11 have so wide possibilities to posts automatically your advertisement on forums, blogs, guestbooks, boards, etc.
Its bypass most type of Captchas, including latest version of ReCaptcha, breaks JS-protection

Latest version of XRumer:
bypass more than 400 types of graphic Captchas
bypass more than 200.000 types of textual Captchas ("2 2=?", "What is capital of China?", etc.)
includes 5 unique methods of intellectual automatic promotion
a lot of other fuctions (XRumer possibilities growth since 2006 year!)

New SocPlugin: make promo on Facebook and 3 another popular social networks

And, YES - SocPlugin break most captchas too! Absolutely automatic.
Also, it's have flexible Autoreply module to make humal-like dialogs with thouthans of people for your promo.

And, a lot of other important functions:
parsing account by parameters (friends, friends of friends, from groups, by city/country, by job/interests, etc.)
sending personal messages
sending comments to videos and fotos
filter, export/import

What about captcha?
Yes, we repeat again: All software by botmasterlabs Labs break captchas automatically, without any additional services.

SocPlugin included for FREE in XRumer package.

New BlogsPlugin: get thouthands backlinks from Web 2.0

BlogsPlugin is working with 6 most popular engines:

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So, how to get this package?
It very, very easy: just Google for "Buy XRumer" :)
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New XRumer 12.0.11: breaks MOST types of Captchas, posts on Chinese and other Asian forums Also!

Only XRumer 12.0.11 have so wide possibilities to posts automatically your advertisement on forums, blogs, guestbooks, boards, etc.
Its bypass most type of Captchas, including latest version of ReCaptcha, breaks JS-protection

Latest version of XRumer:
bypass more than 400 types of graphic Captchas
bypass more than 200.000 types of textual Captchas ("2 2=?", "What is capital of China?", etc.)
includes 5 unique methods of intellectual automatic promotion
a lot of other fuctions (XRumer possibilities growth since 2006 year!)

New SocPlugin: make promo on Facebook and 3 another popular social networks

And, YES - SocPlugin break most captchas too! Absolutely automatic.
Also, it's have flexible Autoreply module to make humal-like dialogs with thouthans of people for your promo.

And, a lot of other important functions:
parsing account by parameters (friends, friends of friends, from groups, by city/country, by job/interests, etc.)
sending personal messages
sending comments to videos and fotos
filter, export/import

What about captcha?
Yes, we repeat again: All software by botmasterlabs Labs break captchas automatically, without any additional services.

SocPlugin included for FREE in XRumer package.

New BlogsPlugin: get thouthands backlinks from Web 2.0

BlogsPlugin is working with 6 most popular engines:

Autoregistering, activating, posting, cross-posting, etc.


So, how to get this package?
It very, very easy: just Google for "Buy XRumer" :)
(SocPlugin and BlogsPlugin are included in it for free)


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Написал: Virgilnap (3 марта 2015 19:48) Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart. 07 February (2015)
Группа: Гости,   Регистрация: --  
New XRumer 12.0.11: breaks MOST types of Captchas, posts on Chinese and other Asian forums Also!

Only XRumer 12.0.11 have so wide possibilities to posts automatically your advertisement on forums, blogs, guestbooks, boards, etc.
Its bypass most type of Captchas, including latest version of ReCaptcha, breaks JS-protection

Latest version of XRumer:
bypass more than 400 types of graphic Captchas
bypass more than 200.000 types of textual Captchas ("2 2=?", "What is capital of China?", etc.)
includes 5 unique methods of intellectual automatic promotion
a lot of other fuctions (XRumer possibilities growth since 2006 year!)

New SocPlugin: make promo on Facebook and 3 another popular social networks

And, YES - SocPlugin break most captchas too! Absolutely automatic.
Also, it's have flexible Autoreply module to make humal-like dialogs with thouthans of people for your promo.

And, a lot of other important functions:
parsing account by parameters (friends, friends of friends, from groups, by city/country, by job/interests, etc.)
sending personal messages
sending comments to videos and fotos
filter, export/import

What about captcha?
Yes, we repeat again: All software by botmasterlabs Labs break captchas automatically, without any additional services.

SocPlugin included for FREE in XRumer package.

New BlogsPlugin: get thouthands backlinks from Web 2.0

BlogsPlugin is working with 6 most popular engines:

Autoregistering, activating, posting, cross-posting, etc.


So, how to get this package?
It very, very easy: just Google for "Buy XRumer" :)
(SocPlugin and BlogsPlugin are included in it for free)


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forums poster FREE, Facebook poster torrent, Facebook liker download, forums poster download, Facebook liker link, forums poster demo

New XRumer 12.0.11: breaks MOST types of Captchas, posts on Chinese and other Asian forums Also!

Only XRumer 12.0.11 have so wide possibilities to posts automatically your advertisement on forums, blogs, guestbooks, boards, etc.
Its bypass most type of Captchas, including latest version of ReCaptcha, breaks JS-protection

Latest version of XRumer:
bypass more than 400 types of graphic Captchas
bypass more than 200.000 types of textual Captchas ("2 2=?", "What is capital of China?", etc.)
includes 5 unique methods of intellectual automatic promotion
a lot of other fuctions (XRumer possibilities growth since 2006 year!)

New SocPlugin: make promo on Facebook and 3 another popular social networks

And, YES - SocPlugin break most captchas too! Absolutely automatic.
Also, it's have flexible Autoreply module to make humal-like dialogs with thouthans of people for your promo.

And, a lot of other important functions:
parsing account by parameters (friends, friends of friends, from groups, by city/country, by job/interests, etc.)
sending personal messages
sending comments to videos and fotos
filter, export/import

What about captcha?
Yes, we repeat again: All software by botmasterlabs Labs break captchas automatically, without any additional services.

SocPlugin included for FREE in XRumer package.

New BlogsPlugin: get thouthands backlinks from Web 2.0

BlogsPlugin is working with 6 most popular engines:

Autoregistering, activating, posting, cross-posting, etc.


So, how to get this package?
It very, very easy: just Google for "Buy XRumer" :)
(SocPlugin and BlogsPlugin are included in it for free)


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forums poster cheap, Facebook poster torrent, soc liker torrent, Facebook liker demo, Facebook liker download, forums poster link

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