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20 мая 2016, просмотров: 190, Раздел: Музыка    

VA - Indie,Rock (2016)

Категория: Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: Indie,Rock
Жанр: Rock, indie
Год выпуска: 2016
Количество треков: 140
Формат: MP3
Качество: 320 kbps
Время звучания: 08:05:30
Размер файла: 872 MB
VA - Indie,Rock (2016)

Категория: Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: Indie,Rock
Жанр: Rock, indie
Год выпуска: 2016
Количество треков: 140
Формат: MP3
Качество: 320 kbps
Время звучания: 08:05:30
Размер файла: 872 MB

01. The Witch And The Robot
02. The Magnetic North - A Death In The Woods
03. The Rare Occasions - Aglow
04. Walter Martin - Amsterdam
05. Jaill - Augmented
06.Jordan Klassen - Baby Moses
07. Islands - Back Into It
08. Bunty - BoomClac
09. Perro Del Mar - Breadandbutter
10. We Are Scientists - Buckle
11. Look Vibrant - Callous Reaction
12. Ty Segall - Candy Sam
13. Yuck - Cannonball
14 Sufjan Stevens - Chicago
15. Little Green Cars - Clare De Lune
16. Nada Surf - Cold To See Clear
17. Songs For Walter - Competition, Diffidence and Glory
18. Globelamp - Controversial Confrontational
19. Damaged Bug - Cough Pills
20. Mew - Count To Ten
21. Mesita - Default
22. Mereki - Dth Buny
23.Teleman - Dusseldorf
24.Travis - Everything At Once
25.Cloud Cult - Everything You Thought You Had
26.Nothing But Thieves - Excuse Me
27.Sir Sly - Expectations
28.Creature People - Explosions of the Heart
29. Xiu Xiu - Falling
30.The Wet Secrets - Final Curtain For A Drama Queen
31. TEEN - Free Time
32. De Staat - Get On Screen
33. Frightened Rabbit - Get Out
34. M. Ward - Girl From Conejo Valley
35. Males - Go!
36. Day Wave - Gone
37. Nicole Dollanganger - Have You Seen Me
38. A Sunny Day in Glasgow - Hey, You're Mine
39. La Sera - High Notes
40. There Is No Mountain - Hiking
41. Jaakko Aukusti - Himalaya
42. Tacocat - Horse Grrls
43. Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Hot Coals
44. El Pino and the Volunteers - Hullabaloo
45. Rococode - Hunter Gather
46. Yeasayer - I Am Chemistry
47. Sunflower Bean - I Hear Voices
48. Goodnight Cody - I Met a Whale
49. Echo Ladies - I Never
50. Harriet - I'm Trying
51. Vita Bergen - In The City
52. Montaigne - In The Dark
53.Hibou - In The Sun
54. Frogbelly and Symphony - Interlude
55. POLYSICS - Introduction!
56. Opus Orange - It's What I Do
57.Modular - Jack Rabbit
58.Findlay - Junk Food
59. Marble Sounds - K.V.
60. Bleached - Keep On Keepin' On
61. The Frights - Kids
62.Starlight Girls - La La Lune
63. Dressy Bessy - Lady Liberty
64. King Charles - Lady of the River
65. Lemon Demon - Lifetime Achievement Award
66. together PANGEA - Looked In Too
67. Knower - Lose My Mind
68. Amanda Palmer - Machete
69.OhBree - Manfish
70. Wintergatan - Marble Machine
71. Shields - Masters of the Universe
72. Scott Liss - Medicine
73.Tokyo Babel - Merry's Last World
74.Piney Gir - Midnight With The Stars And You
75. Caravan Palace - Mighty
76. Nevermen - Mr Mistake
77. Raindeer - Mutual Friends
78. The Jezabels - My Love Is My Disease
79.Animal Collective - Natural Selection
80. Half Waif - Nest
81. Dry The River - New Cross
82. Yes We Mystic - No Harm
83. Thao & The Get Down Stay Down - Nobody Dies
84.How To Loot Brazil - Nothing To Prove
85.Damien Jurado - November 20
86. Bronze Radio Return - Nowhere to Be
87. Rob Crow's Gloomy Place - Oh, The Sadmakers
88. Weaves - One More
89. Faith in Foxholes - Paramount
90. C Duncan - Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops
91. Mindless Self Indulgence - Personal Jesus
92.Run River North - Pretender
93. Shearwater - Prime
94.Flowers - Pull My Arm
95. Andrew Bird - Puma
96. The Gromble - Real Sympathy
97.Spring King - Rectifier
98. Radical Face - Rivers in the Dust
99.The Raveonettes - Run Mascara Run
100. School Of Seven Bells - Signals
101. Frankie Cosmos - Sinister
102. J Thoubbs - Smooth Landing
103. Oscar - Sometimes
104. Cullen Omori - Sour Silk
105. Sea Caves - Spanning the River
106. The Indelicates - Stasis
107. Pillar Point - Strange Brush
108. Adult Books - Suburban Girlfriend
109. Barry Hyde - Sugar
110. Kid Mountain - Sugar
111. Dr. Dog - Swampadelic Pop
112. Eleanor Friedberger - Sweetest Girl
113. Cage the Elephant - Sweetie Little Jean
114. Savages - T.I.W.Y.G.
115. Anna Meredith - Taken
116. Explosions In The Sky - Tangle Formations
117. Pinkshinyultrablast - The Cherry Pit
118. Summer Heart - The Forbidden
119. Xu Xu Fang - The Nearly Dead
120. The Besnard Lakes - The Plain Moon
121. James Supercave - The Right Thing
122. Frokedal - The Sign
123. The Thermals - Thinking of You
124. Lanterns On The Lake - Through the Cellar Door
125. Owen Pallett - Transformer
126. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Trapdoor
127. DIIV - Under the Sun
128. Simen Mitlid - Vacation
129. Wolfmother - Victorious
130. The Wheel Workers - Wage Slaves
131. Foxtails Brigade - We Are Not Ourselves
132. Shape King - We Are Together
133. Polica - Wedding
134. Rafter - We're Golden
135. eskimeaux - What the Fuck
136. The Chemical Brothers - Wide Open
137. Brooke Waggoner - Widow Maker
138.Stolen Jars - Wreaths Rakes
139. Mitski - Your Best American Girl
140. Sea Pinks - Yr Horoscope

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