1Password — это менеджер паролей, который действительно заслуживает вашего внимания, так как является одной из лучших в своем роде (если не лучшей), да и вообще — практически незаменима в компьютерном хозяйстве.
- Синхронизация паролей через iCloud (таким образом, после релиза OS X 10.9 в вашем iCloud будут храниться сразу две копии всех паролей: одна в Keychain от Apple, другая — в 1Password. Надёжность удвоится!
— Быстрый доступ к избранным записям
— Переработанное меню категорий
— Связанные аккаунты (один логин — несколько URL)
Будьте в безопасности с 1Password
1Password не только обеспечивает вашу безопасность сильными и уникальными паролями, он также повышает вашу производительность труда.
— Автоматически входите на сайты, используя ваши любимые браузеры.
— Заполняйте кредитные карты и заполняйте бланки для логина одним щелчком.
— Получайте быстрый доступ к данным откуда угодно, используя 1Password mini
— Открывайте веб-сайты и автоматически подставляйте данные для логина с использованием закладок Go & Fill.
Защищайте не только пароли
1Password позволяет вам хранить много видов информации, а не только логины веб-сайтов. Держите всю вашу важную информацию в удобном для доступа виде.
— Храните ваши кредитные карты, конфиденциальные заметки, пароли, банковские аккаунты и многое другое.
— Быстро вспоминайте контрольные вопросы безопасности сайтов и генерируйте сильные ответы на них.
— Надежно защищайте документы и изображения.
— Вам не придется оставлять важную информацию, покидая ваш дом.
Все логины на каждом устройстве
1Password поддерживает все ваши любимые устройства. Держите критически важную информацию при себе, куда бы вы ни отправились.
— Поддержка iCloud сочетает безопасную синхронизацию с простотой решений Apple.
— Поддержка Dropbox обеспечивает кросс-платформенную синхронизацию и общий доступ.
— Располагайте поддержкой пользовательской папки, чтобы синхронизировать компьютеры с секретностью вашей собственной сети.
Безопасно делитесь данными с семьёй или членами команды
1Password позволяет вам распределить данные по многочисленным сейфам и безопасно делиться ими. Используйте раздельные сейфы, чтобы выбрать, чем и с кем вы делитесь.
— Делитесь бизнес-логинами с коллегами.
— Создайте Семейный сейф для общих данных с вашей супругой или супругом.
— Распределяйте ключи шифрования с вашей проектной командой.
— Обменивайтесь аккаунтами и документами с вашими клиентами.
И многое–много другое
— Полная поддержка OS X Mountain Lion и готовность поддержки следующих версий.
— Помечайте наиболее часто используемые объекты как Избранное.
— Организуйте ваши данные с помощью папок и тегов.
— Мощный поиск и смарт–папки.
— Функции для опытных пользователей, в том числе — повышенная продуктивность.
— Отсутствует плата за подписку или за что-либо иное.
Итак, что же революционно нового способен предложить 1Password пользователям Mac OS X?
В числе ключевых изменений стоит отметить:
• Cинхронизация паролей через iCloud (таким образом, после релиза OS X 10.9 в вашем iCloud будут храниться сразу две копии всех паролей – одна в Keychain от Apple, другая – в 1Password. Надёжность удвоится!
• Быстрый доступ к избранным записям
• Переработанное меню категорий
• Связанные аккаунты (один логин – несколько URL)
Эксклюзивную фишку 1Password для десктопов и ноутбуков – 1Password mini.
Если раньше посмотреть пароли можно было только в браузере, посредством плагина 1Password, то теперь это можно сделать отовсюду.
В менюбаре, с вашего разрешения, селится иконка 1Password, по нажатию на которую вы получаете доступ ко всем вашим логинам и паролям,
а также заметкам, лицензиям ПО и прочей информации, хранение которой поддерживает 1Password 5. Через это меню можно мгновенно найти нужный вам пароль.
Без сомнений, это одна из наиболее полезных фишек 1Password 5.
Что касается плагина 1Password для браузеров, его дизайн также был переработан.
У плагина, у 1Password mini и у основного приложения общая авторизация – если вы ввели мастер-пароль в одном из них, все остальные автоматически будут разблокированы.
А новомодная синхронизация с iCloud для тех, у кого есть больше двух устройств Apple, встроенное в iOS 9.3.2 и OS X 10.9 решение выглядит удобно.
Fantastic Secrets and Where to Find Them
• 1Password can now be unlocked with your fingerprint on the new Touch ID-capable MacBook Pro!
• Touch Bar support has landed! While using 1Password you will see enhanced controls in the Touch Bar on your new MacBook Pro.
• Setting up 1Password for the first time on your computer is a dream. We’ve rewritten the entire setup experience from scratch to make it easier to get you up and running.
• Improved integration for searching your vaults with amazing apps like Alfred and LaunchBar.
Unlocking with your fingerprint is as easy as swish and flick
There’s no need to utter any incantations to magically unlock 1Password with your fingerprint. Just enable the Touch ID setting in 1Password’s Security Preferences and you’ll be good to go. No one will blame you if you quietly whisper “Alohamora” under your breath as you perform this charm, though.
Practice your wandless magic
The new Touch Bar is almost as awesome as picking up the latest offering at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes (but without the fear factor). Now you can practice your wandless magic by switching between vaults with our new Touch Bar feature. You’ll be able to access your vaults faster than you can say “Wingardium Leviosa!”
Other incantations you can conjure with the Touch Bar include:
• Adding a new item
• Choosing which category you want to create an item in
• Locking your vault easier than casting the “Colloportus” spell
• Activating search (to find the game-winning golden snitch, of course)
All aboard on Platform 9 3/4!
Setting up 1Password for the first time on a new Mac is now just like that first swig of Butterbeer: warm, inviting, and deliciously sweet! We’ve completely rewritten our first-run experience to make it easier than ever to get up and running with 1Password. Whether you’re signing into your 1Password.com account, syncing with your vault on iCloud or Dropbox, or getting started for the very first time, it’s a snap.
Accio your items from anywhere
Some of the best spells are done together so we’ve cooked up a love potion for those of you who make use of our third-party integration. We’ve been working closely with some of our developer friends to make sure you can search for items across all your vaults from within your productivity app of choice. Alfred has already released an update for this new integration and there are more to come!
More goodies than Bertie Bott’s has flavours!
Those are just the highlights, this release is packed full of over 100 new features, improvements, and fixes. 1Password never prompts you for a review because we value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous or have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance!
• 1Password can now be unlocked with your fingerprint on the new Touch ID-capable MacBook Pro.
• Touch Bar support has landed! While using 1Password you will see enhanced controls in the Touch Bar on your new MacBook Pro.
• 1Password has a whole new first-run experience! Setting up 1Password has never been easier. {OPM-4200}
• You can now scan 1Password Account codes using the FaceTime HD camera on your Mac!
• 1Password can now fill additional text, email, and password fields for items created outside the browser extension. {BRAIN-111}
• 1Password will now ask you to migrate items from your Primary vault to newly added Personal vaults when adding a 1Password.com Account. {OPM-4240}
• 1Password will now offer to automatically add any 1Password.com account to 1Password for Mac after signing into that account in your web browser. {OPM-4236}
• Added the ability to copy 1Password Documents across 1Password.com accounts. {OPM-3974}
• Added a Download Local Copy item to the context menu for Document items. {OPM-3939}
• Added the ability to manage your 1Password account subscription within the app (AgileBits Store Only). {OPM-4249}
• Improved filling of credit card expiration dates. {BRAIN-138}
• Updated our translations with the latest from our incredible translators on Crowdin.
• Renamed the Start Over menu item to Reset All 1Password Data. {OPM-4069}
• 1Password mini's menu width is automatically resized to fit long browser extension names. {OPM-4112}
• After migrating to a 1Password.com account, the new account vault becomes the default vault for saving. {OPM-4534}
• Improved the wording in Add Account preferences. {OPM-4444}
• Improved wording in Accounts Preferences regarding 1Password.com Accounts. {OPM-4306}
• Improved handling of sync when Folder Syncing to a removable disk. {OPM-4414}
• Updated to the latest 1Password brain for improved Login saving and form filling.
• 1Password is now better at avoiding “search” and “newsletter” forms when filling. {BRAIN-289}
• 1Password is now better at saving Logins on pages with search fields. {BRAIN-274}
• 1Password is now better at avoiding search fields on Russian and German websites. {BRAIN-293}
• 1Password is now better at handling sneaky password fields on Swedish websites. {BRAIN-310}
• Improved the wording of the macOS authentication prompt. {OPM-3768}
• We now enter edit mode after converting a Password to a Login. {OPM-4284}
• Updated the password generator minimum and maximum values. {OPM-4409}
• Added mechanisms for strengthening communication with 1Password.com.
• Improved the parsing for certain improperly formatted web addresses. {OPM-4281}
• Improved network efficiency with 1Password.com accounts {OPM-4290}
• Added a notification to update to the latest 1Password version when features aren't compatible with the 1Password.com Account server. {OPM-4177}
• Changed naming of Wi-Fi sync to WLAN sync. {OPM-3851}
• Empty address fields are now hidden when viewing items. {OPM-3902}
• Updated the way 1Password determines which URLs to match in the extension. {OPM-4078}
• When merging vaults during sync setup the password hint is no longer truncated if it's too long. {OPM-4053}
• Removed some potentially offensive words that were present in the word list for our Word-based Strong Password Generator. {OPI-3129}
• The error message for when 1Password mini is quarantined by the system is now less mysterious. {OPM-4102}
• Added a hover button and Voice Over support to item attachments. {OPM-624}
• Removed several instances where 1Password for Teams or 1Password for Families language was used and replaced with 1Password Account.
• Made numerous improvements to the way text is handled throughout the app to make translation easier.
• Improved Wi-Fi sync error handling. {OPI-3314}
• Personal and Shared vaults will now display the user or team avatars if they don't have their own avatar. {OPM-4032}
• Improved the first run experience when using onepassword://team-account links. {OPM-4019, OPM-3905}
• Improved the custom icon display for 1Password.com account items in the main 1Password app. {OPM-4125}
• Improved the experience when deleting the last 1Password.com account when no local vaults exist. {OPM-4033}
• Decreased the delay in uploading custom icons for Teams and Families vaults. {OPM-4124}
• The account details preference pane now shows when you're in trial mode. {OPM-4562}
• Fixed the layout of the Start Over dialog so that it worked better with more verbose languages. {OPM-4167}
• Fixed an issue where custom icons would not upload to 1Password.com accounts. {OPM-4049}
• Fixed an issue where vault switching in mini was not instantly mirrored in the main app if it was in the background. {OPM-3523}
• Fixed a bug that could cause instability in the Preferences window. {OPM-3983}
• Fixed a bug when removing an attachment file before saving the item with the attachment. {OPM-4057}
• Fixed an issue that caused Reset iCloud Data to be enabled even though there weren't any local vaults. {OPM-4104}
• Fixed an issue that caused problems with VoiceOver navigating password values. {OPM-3343}
• Fixed an issue that caused category sorting in All Vaults to not sort properly when only non-1Password Account vaults were present. {OPM-4131}
• Fixed an issue that would cause sync with Wi-Fi to not take place after unlocking 1Password for Mac. {OPM-4129}
• The anchored Large Type window no longer crops off the top of characters in a long password. {OPM-4135}
• The tab key now cycles through fields properly again when editing an item. {OPM-4083}
• Fixed an issue where some unrecognized data in an item would be lost while saving. {OPM-4234}
• Fixed autosubmit on fideliti.co.uk. {BRAIN-268}
• Fixed a layout issue in macOS Sierra when choosing fields while exporting CSV or tab-delimited files. {OPM_4241}
• Fixed a layout issue with the Password Generator on macOS Sierra. {OPM-4304}
• Fixed the multi-line height calculation for notes and tags in macOS Sierra. {OPM-4297}
• Obliterated a hang that could be caused by Documents with missing metadata.
• Fixed a rare crash when scanning a QR code when creating a one-time password or adding a 1Password.com account. {OPM-4351}
• Fixed instance where logging into 1Password.com may not offer to add that account to 1Password when using Bartender. {OPM-4435}
• Resolved a logic flaw that would result in a failure to properly load localized category names on macOS 10.12 {OPM-4433}
• Fixed a crash that could happen when using custom icons. {OPM-4423}
• Fixed a minor button alignment issue in account sign in setup screen. {OPM-4481}
• Fixed issues introduced in a previous beta causing setup screen animations to fail in macOS 10.10 and 10.11 {OPM-4476, OPM-4477}
• Fixed a crash that could occur when right clicking on 1Password mini. {OPM-4552}
• Fixed a crash that could occur when scanning a QR Code for a TOTP field. {OPM-4500}
• Resolved a height issue with the dialog window that appeared when enabling local vaults in the Preferences window. {OPM-4390}
• Fixed a rare crash when syncing with iCloud. {OPM-4328}
• 1Password would fail to fill sites that had previously saved fields 1Password ignores during filling. {BRAIN-299}
• Fixed an issue where certain Favorites could cause issues while syncing with 1Password.com accounts. {OPM-4402}
• Fixed a bug in the item selection logic. {OPM-4417}
• Fixed an issue that could cause 1Password mini to hang while copying large numbers of items across vaults. {OPM-4395}
• Fixed a crash that could occur during sync via AgileKeychain. {OPI-3713}
• Fixed an issue preventing two my.1password.com accounts from being added at one time. {OPM-4312}
• Fixed an issue that would cause 1Password to authenticate twice with 1Password.com upon startup instead of just once. {OPM-4286}
• Fixed an issue that caused broken custom icons. {OPM-4314}
• Fixed an issue that could create a username conflict when manually saving a login on some sites. {OPM-4156}
• Fixed an issue where item counts were being squished on macOS Sierra. {OPM-4228}
• Fixed an issue that caused problems reading scanned QR Codes. {OPM-4322}
• Fixed a crash that could happen when removing the Primary vault on OS X 10.10 Yosemite. {OPM-4309}
• Fixed a crash that could occur when disabling vaults outside of 1Password accounts. {OPM-4273}
• Fixed the Large Type window so that it stays on screen after being anchored by dragging it. {OPM-4152}
• Fixed an issue where the verify code signature setting wasn't being consulted when 1Password was locked. {OPM-4165, OPM-4178}
• Login filling failed on tecmarket.it. {BRAIN-254}
• Resolved an issue where 1Password would incorrectly identify the designated username and password field when saving a Login. {BRAIN-207}
• Resolved an issue where 1Password would fill credit card month value into quantity fields when the field was of number type.
• Resolved an issue where 1Password would attempt to fill into disabled or read-only fields. {BRAIN-263}
• Radio buttons were being improperly saved and restored. (Existing Logins will need to be resaved.) {BRAIN-74}
• 1Password would not fill the same password value into more than one field. {BRAIN-83, BRAIN-84}
• Fixed an issue that caused a crash when using the Strong Password Generator. {OPM-3676, OPM-4218}
• Fixed issues that could occur while using your browser during 1Password's setup {OPM-4565, OPM4569}
• Fixed an issue where animations could get stacked and cause unintended view layout in the Setup and QR scanner windows. {OPM-4571}
• Fixed an issue that prevented tabbing among the buttons in the Setup window. {OPM-4566}
• Fixed a spacing issue with the Preferences window when viewing the security preferences with a 1Password.com account vault selected. {OPM-4570}
• Fixed a crash with the QR scanning window in the Mac App Store version. {OPM-4572}
• Fixed a crash when trying to unlock from the browser extension when still in setup mode. {OPM-4333}
Название 1Password
Версия: 6.5.1
Год выхода: 2016
Разработчик: AgileBits Inc.
Платформа: Mac OS X 10.10 or later
Язык интерфейса: Rus/Eng
Таблетка: Не требуется
Архив Rar размер: 48,97 MB +5% для востановления
Скачать 1Password 6.5.1 для Mac OS X